Dec. 2, 1982 I became the luckiest 5 month old on earth because that was the day the love of my life was born. Where would I be with out my little pookie-head? I don't know, probably sitting on a street corner somewhere in Seattle, playing guitar, trying to earn enough money for a can of soup. But little baby cakes makes my life complete and makes me a better person than I would ever be without her. Obviously she is freakin gorgeous (duh) and sweet, kind, loving, compassionate, selfless, hard-working and a list of like a billion other great things. She always puts others feelings and needs above her own and is always the first person to extend a hand of friendship to those who need it. I know I totally scored on this marriage deal, and I'm just glad she's locked in for eternity.
Here's some things you might not know about my little honey-buns:
She is a sucker for Reeses Peanut Butter cups. We will buy a bag of them and then she will force me to hide them somewhere so she won't inhale the whole thing. Then she will spend hours hunting for them, searching every square inch of our apartment, until she finds them. Then she complains that I don't do a good enough job hiding them, and tells me to re-hide them. This is not easy when you live in a one bedroom apartment. Then the cycle repeats itself til the bag is gone.
She gets so cold at night, she makes me tuck her into bed and stuff her pajama bottoms into her socks so that no cold air will get in.
She watches Dr. Phil and So You Think You Can Dance religiously.
She can never stay too mad at me as long as I offer her a back rub.
All she wanted for her birthday was a box of hot chocolate, the kind with the extra marshmallows, that comes in the little individual packets. But she always ends up using like 8 packets for one cup of hot chocolate, so I ask her why she doesn't just buy a big can of it. She says she only wants the packets for the fake, dehydrated marshmallows. For some reason she likes the tiny styrofoam marshmallows better than the real ones. I don't get it.
Her husband is kind of a nerd.
She is scared to death of spiders. I mean REALLY terrified. When I kill one for her and flush it down the toilet, she won't use the bathroom for hours cuz she's afraid it might crawl out and "get her."
Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!! You're the best, even if you are getting to be an old fart. Love ya!
Happy Birthday! Great post Dan. You sure did get lucky-we love Lindsey.
Hope you have a fabulous day!
Happy Birthday Beautiful! What a sweet post from the hubby:)
I COMPLETELY relate to the spider phobia Lindsey! Im scared to death of fake and dead spiders too... I don't even like typing or saying the "s" word. They are horrible! Garrett knows he can't ever throw the dead ones in the trash, he has to kill them and then flush them and yes I've thought of them crawling back up too... eeks. Oh and you can get the good (lil dehydrated ones) marshmallows in some canned hot cocoa too, for some reason they're better than real ones! Happy Birthday Lindsey, hope it was a good one!
Happy Birthday! Such a sweet post! Hope you had an amazing day!
So very very sweet. Dan you do have a wonderful little pookie pants. Make sure you keep her. I love her too. Love you Lindsey. Mom
I felt like I was reading a Seinfeld episode. But anyways we do love you both and know that you're good for each other. Lindz enjoy your hot chocolate.
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a great day!
Lindz!!! Your the cutest!! I miss you! Hope all is going well. I hope you had an amazing birthday! You deserve it. Love ya girl!!!!! xo
Happy BIrthday Linds - I would hate spiders too if I were bit by one! I remember....
Hope your husband believes every word he wrote! He is one lucky guy.
Happy Birthday! We need to get together sometime soon after Christmas because we like you guys :)
i went out and bought the hot chocolate with the tiny marshmallows just because of this post. and it is much better with them! hope you had a fabulous day linds! love ya : )
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