Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baby Lucy's Blessing

All the kids and grand kids on the Walker side, (except Mark and I.)

Beautiful baby Lucy Mae.

My sis-in-law Lindsey, Lucy, our grammy Walker and Mamma Sue.

Dan with our nephew Matthew and niece Lucy.

A couple weeks ago, Dan got to go to Utah and attend baby Lucy's blessing. I was so disappointed to miss out on the family event. Lucy is beautiful and precious and I can't wait to meet her in a couple weeks.


Landmark Lighting said...

So cute!

The Ellis Fam said...

that was so sweet of you dan. but wait! are you coming to utah in a cople of weeks? you said you would get to meet your neice so does that mean you'll be coming? if you come here without seeing me i'll be so sad.

Linda said...

Okay, so Dan may get a lump of coal for Christmas because he didn't call when he was in town! Oh, wait, were we OUT of town???

Can't wait to see you guys for Christmas.

Love, Mom