Today a sweet friend left me a gift for Mother's Day on my porch with one of my favorite passages on motherhood.
Its says, " The biggest mistake I made as a parent is the one most of us make....I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of my 3 children sitting on the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less" Anna Quindelen.
I relish every second with my darling baby boy and know this phase in life will pass so quickly. I keep saying that, but it's such a harsh reality. My heart aches because I will miss being a mother to small children one day. There is a special bond between a mother and her first born. Like every mother, I think my baby Max is a perfect angel. The Lord sent us Max to teach and help him develop, but the truth is, he has taught me and helped me to grow just as much, if not more.
I will feel I have done my job successfully as a mother if I try to always use a calm voice in our home. I want my children to feel that their mother's voice is soft and comforting. I want to teach my children what is right. I know there will be times discipline is needed, but I want to show an increase of love before and after any sort of punishment or disciplining happens. I want to have charity and patience in even the most frustrating times with my children. Above all, I want to teach my children the gospel, and help them develop their own testimonies. By no means am I implying that I have mastered these traits. This will take a lifetime of work to attain these characteristics. I know I will make mistakes, probably on a daily basis, but these are my goals and aspirations for the next several years.
As Mother's Day approaches, I have realized how much I appreciate my own mother's, mother-in-law's, and sister's examples. They are wonderful women, and I am very lucky to have them in my life.
What a great post!!! I have thought a lot about Dean getting older and growing up this week. I get so sad knowing he won't be this small forever. I love the stage he is in right now. your little max is so adorable. i wish we lived close to each other! you're such a great mom and a very inspirational woman. i totally agree that your baby has taught you so much...i feel so strongly that i have become such a better person since dean has been born. miss and love ya lindz!
have a fabulous mother's day!
So beautifully said Lindsey. As I have always felt with you. It's what you are on the inside that makes you so wonderfully beautiful in my eyes. I always knew you would be a good mother but I think you have exceeded my expectations. Max is lucky to have you. You are so right though. I have realized that my children needed me but I needed them as well to become what I want to bed. You really do grow up together. Love you and Happy Mothers Day!
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