Monday, August 18, 2008

First day of school!

Remember when we all were little and on our first day of school our mom's would put us in our new outfits and fix our hair perfectly and then make us take pictures? Well, although I did not dress Dan today, I am a nerd and made him take pictures on his first day of school.


the Clan Walker said...

nice book bag!!

michellecluff said...

hooray for the first day of school. You're in for the long haul friend. Good luck with the next 8!
PS The site for those pictures is Love it all!

Kristen Jensen said...

haha, Lindsey I love you! And miss you! The more we have been chatting online the more I just want to see your beautiful face! Muah!

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

I'm glad you did. I going to make Marc take a picture like this on his first day too. Good Luck with school Dan!!! And good luck to finding a job Lindsay!

Susan said...

Things have changed a lot. When I first sent this boy off to school. He had bright blue cordoroy pants. Gold suspenders and a sesame street shirt on. In one way its the same though. Off you go, on to one more big adventure in your life to conquer the world. Sure am proud of you!