Maxwell Noble Walker was born on Tuesday, November 9th at 3:08 p.m, 7 lbs 10 oz 19 inches. He is perfect and we are soooo in love with him. I am absolutely smitten with him, and can't imagine life without my sweet baby boy. Life is pretty busy right now, but I will do an update again when I have a little break.
Minutes after birth. He was giving us the one eyed stink. It was pretty funny.
How cute it he!!!! So precious! I hope your both doing well! Congratulations!
AWWW!! He is so very cute Lindsey!! Good job and congrats to your cute little family. Get some sleep and hope you all adjust well to your new found love!
he is adorable!! what a little sweetie! hope your recovering well! text me anytime!
love and miss ya!!
I'm so happy for you! He is an absolute doll!!! I hope you all can relax and get some rest. Take care!
Love it! Love him and all his cuteness! Love you! Congrats!!!
Crazy how right when he comes, all the sudden life as you knew it was nothing compared to moments with him. I love him already. He is so perfect. I can't wait to meet him.
You did it!!! Well done you sweet girl, he couldn't be a more darling baby boy :)
Congratulations! He is so sweet and cute! I hope you're recovering well.
Lindsey, what a precious little guy! I'm so excited that you are finally a mama! Can't wait to meet him. I hope you are recovering well and adapting to this new life.
Oh, he is just the cutest! I can't wait to hold him. You did so good. I'm so proud of you. You are going to be the best mommy in the world. Love ya!
Crazy!!!! i cant believe that they were born on the same day!!! ha ha. Im so excited for you guys! come out to utah to visit so the boys can play! tell dan though, that boston is still older! ha ha
What a cutie! Congrats! Kris & Marni had their baby the same day.
Congrats! So happy for your little family! He looks very cute!
So adorable. Congrats you guys! Love every minute!
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