Saturday, October 16, 2010

37 weeks

I know I keep posting about this pregnancy and my growing belly, but that's what's happening around here. Pretty soon all the posts and pictures will be about a cute little baby boy. So until then, here are some of my last thoughts about this pregnancy since we only have a few more weeks to go. Luckily, I have still been able to sleep despite the endless trips to the bathroom and the uncomfy state I am in. I am still hungry all the time, and can eat anything and everything in sight. I thought once the baby got bigger I would have less room for food, but that's not the case, I can still fit a lot in there, ha ha! I am still working full time and am glad to have something to keep my mind off of the aches and pains. I feel like I have lost my mind lately, and have done and said some pretty silly things.

Most women at this point are just wanting the baby out, but I am actually okay with him staying put for the next 3 weeks. I just hope he doesn't suprise us and come early. I am not ready yet, and know he will be a lot more work out of the belly. I feel his movements and kicks more than ever before. He loves to put his foot and toes right in my ribs, which really hurts. I have been really good about keeping up my exercising and go about 4 to 5 times a week for at least an hour. My routine mostly consists of fast pace walking and a little bit of jogging. The weight gain has been one of the hardest parts of pregnancy for me, and I can not wait to start operation lose baby weight!!

This last month hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Yes, I am very uncomfortable, and have completely forgotten what it is like to not be pregnant, but it really hasn't been too bad. Max has dropped and is in his proper birthing position, which is a huge relief because he was transverse until about a week ago. I only get contractions late at night, and I really haven't had too many. I have a lot of anxiety about the labor, delivery, and first 3 weeks of this little guys life. I have a few friends who just had their babies and they are really having a hard time. It is quite an adjustment. I feel so much love for Max, and want to hold and kiss him, so despite my anxieties, I am sure it will all be worth it in the end.


Lyndsey Swindlehurst said...

Hey Linz,you are so cute and I am sad I have missed most of your pregnancy. I can't believe little Max will be here so soon! You will be such a good mommy, so don't be too nervous! Just know that there will be days that you are tired and overwhelmed but by the end of the day when you're getting them ready for bed and they give you loves it makes everything better! It makes you realize you wouldn't know what to do without them! You will LOVE being a mom its the absolute best!

Kristin said...

Linz!!! I love your BLONDE hair!! it looks so good on you! you look so so cute pregnant! I am so excited for you to be a mom! I agree with your friend lyndsey when she says there may be some hard times but at the end of the day it all so so worth every minute! and i know you will be such a good mom! and you will love it. i feel that the only hard part for me in the first 3 weeks was my body recovering. text me whenever you have a question i am so here for you! i know you have sisters and other friends but i just want you to know i will be here whenever you need. and just know your life will your once perfect house with everything in it's place will soon be cluttered with swings and bouncers, burp clothes and dirty diapers. but think of it a new chapter in your life that you have wanted to start. i can't wait to see the cute little boy! i am so so so excited for you!
love ya and i hope to meet him some time!


The Durrant Family said...

Your hair is beautiful, as is the rest of you! I wont lie. The first few weeks are rough. Just trying to adjust to his schedule and he has to figure out his nights and days. But it all works out. Instincts kick in. And you get by. Even if its one day at a time. Its ok to feel overwhelmed and even cry. But like everyone says. It is so worth it! And before you know it they are a year old. You and Dan have each other and thats the greatest support. But you can also call me and our moms and your sister is a pro. We are here for you and love you and CANNOT wait for that little Max to get here!YAY three more weeks baby!!!

The Durrant Family said...

ok so I just read the other two post. LOL they are a lot like what I just wrote. Didnt mean to repeat. At least you know we all agree and speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you, you will be a cute mom! Don't have anxiety about any of it because I promise the second you hold him you will realize you would do all of it (and more) all over again just to have that moment. It's so incredible. Trust me I was so stressed about labor and how unglamorous and bad it was going to be (I was the crazy pregnant chic crying during the movies in our prenatal classes. ha ha). Good luck and enjoy every minute!

Rhiannon said...

Wow! I can't believe how close you are. That is so exciting. I love your attitude about every thing, very realistic. Seriously enjoy the time you & Dan have to be a couple before the baby comes. It's much harder to get that time after your have a baby. I wish I would have realized that before I had one.

Noelle and Corey said...

It's funny that you said you can't remember not being pregnant--I feel the same and am only 22 weeks along! And then after he comes, you'll forget what it was like to be pregnant. Everything will be great.

Kristen and Garrett Halligan said...

You are such a cute lil preggo lady!! As long as you realize that it isn't all a joy being a mom, you'll be fine. I started enjoying it a lot more after Carson hit about 4 months... Just don't feel guilty if it's not heaven all the time!

Chablis said...

Bless your darling pregnant belly!! I hope everything goes perfectly!