Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Good Week

I wanted to note two awesome things that happened to me last week, so I can remember them forever. The first was, I opened up my first pay check from my new job, and my boss had given me a dollar raise. She highlighted the amount and wrote a note to me saying she was so glad they hired me, and I was doing a great job. What a great surprise! This was one the of nicest things a boss has ever done for me. Wow, This meant so much.

Secondly, I want to write about how the first ultrasound appointment went. Sorry if I write a lot about this pregnancy, but it's the new thing happening in our lives, and again, I want to remember everything. Wednesday morning I got up early because I was too excited to sleep. We headed over to the doctor's office and got there early, again because I couldn't wait! I filled out a bunch of paper work, and then we were called back by the assistant. I was weighed (yikes) and they took my blood pressure. Then I got to meet my doctor in his office. Dan and I both liked him a lot, he was very personable and easy to talk to. He asked me how the pregnancy was going, and I let him know I have had very little pregnancy symptoms. I was concerned because I heard morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy. The main thing I feel is extreme hunger all the time, which gets really annoying. He assured me that many women don't experience a whole lot of symptoms and everything is probably fine.

The assistant took us into a room with an ultrasound machine and my heart started to beat really fast. Of course, all the fears in the world started running through my mind...what if the baby is dead, what if it's twins, or what if something is wrong? The doctor came in, put jelly on my stomach, and started the ultrasound. Right away we saw our peanut! We also got to see the heart beat, it was so fast! Everything looked healthy and normal. We were so happy and relieved! It's amazing how these experiences with your spouse make you fall even more in love. It was a wonderful day.


Kristin said...

oh yay for the dollar raise!!! you deserve it though. you are always a hard worker and very good at anything you do! seriously it sometimes makes me sick. ha ha i am joking linds! anyway....isn't the first appointment so exciting!!!! it gets more and more exciting. i am hungry alot too. more in the afternoon and at night when i am trying to get ready for bed. i brush my teeth, which usually makes me gag and then i want to eat. ha ha i want to see more pic's of you and your cute belly. well when you get one. so like in three months! miss you i am glad all is well!
chris wanted me to say, that he is excited for you guys and he misses the guitar jams with dan. ;)

Rhiannon said...

That is very exciting! I'm happy for you guys. You know, I never got too sick with Maeva either. I didn't throw up once! I was a little worried same as you, but everything was fine. She was a perfectly healthy almost 8 pounder baby! Just consider yourself lucky that you don't get sick :) I know some people who get so sick they can't leave their bed for weeks!

The Ellis Fam said...

Hurray for you. I know exactly what you mean about being terrified that something was wrong. It's like you're so happy and excited that it can't last, surely, one isn't supposed to be that happy. But the truth of the matter is you are now becoming a mother. It starts that early, the worrying, I mean. It never goes away. I would get so excited for my doctors appointments in the beginning because it was the only thing that made me feel pregnant, since I wasn't showing. I would be excited until the day of the appointment when I was a nervous wreck. You need to post pics of you and your cuteness.

Clinton and Jessica said...

yeah for good news!! Congrats on the pay increase! and I'm glad all is well with little baby!! I love reading your updates. love you

Kristen and Garrett Halligan said...

Yay for you guys and your lil baby! So exciting! I want to hear details on your new job...