Sunday, January 3, 2010


My cats are ruining our house!! I am seriously considering getting them declawed. People argue that declawing cats is very mean, but these naughty, little girls are destroying our stuff. Take a look at the curtains and leather bench, they have completely destroyed them. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my cats. Dan even tried to convince me not do another post about them. He said people will start to think I am a crazy cat lady. Oh well.

I have tried everything, clipping their nails, giving them a scratching post, nothing seems to help, and they don't take me seriously when I yell at them. Has any one declawed a cat, and is it really that mean?

(click on pictures to enlarge and see the full amount of damage.)

Do you see the half chewed mouse toy in the background?

Ahh, they are so cute, I guess I forgive them.


The Jatens said...

Naughty little bums! Spray them with water every time they scratch - then take them to their scratching post. It worked with Pippin. He doesn't scratch anything of ours. :-)

Layla said...

Our cat has destroyed alot of our stuff...especially my favorite chair. She never uses her scratch post but will use everything else.

Kayley said...

I don't think it's mean AT ALL as long as they are indoor cats. If they always stay inside then they don't really need them. My parents got both of their cats declawed when they they were kittens and they don't even know they don't have claws- they still always "sharpen" them on everything. Good luck!

The Ellis Fam said...

I had a friend who declawed his indoor cat. I think you should, then I'll feel safer about coming to visit. Cats don't like me.

Kristen and Garrett Halligan said...

My family has always declawed their cats as soon as they get them for that reason, I'm not sure if it hurts them or not but I'm sure it is brief and worth it in the long run for indoor cats. They just do the front claws usually since that is what they tear everything up with. Spraying them with water when they do something they shouldn't is probably the best way to "train" them... good luck!

Marissa Jeanette said...

declaw thoes little kitties, that is bad!!

Jamie said...

i have no experience with cats, so i have no advice really. but i think that is so terrible that they are ruining your things! i wouldn't be able to handle that.

kristopher kleinman said...

get a dog