Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Twisted Root

Last saturday we got a group of our friends together and went to the Twisted Root. It was really fun, but the food was not that great.


The Ellis Fam said...

ok, i know this is a dumb thought but in the background of your first picture there's a lit up texas light. it's funny because we see that same light in quite a few restraunts here because we want that southern country style food. but you guys are there for reals. i'm an idiot i know.

Kristen Jensen said...

I love how so many of your posts are revolved around places you've eaten out. I love eating too, I think I've met my match ;)

Linda said...

Hey-great shot of Dan..(tee hee). What a good sport to let you post it. He's WAAAAAAY cuter than that. :)
Love, Mom

Jamie said...

i've never heard of the twisted root. so, we shouldn't try it out? not really worth it???

Toby and Tammy said...

What a fun night out. Don't you hate it when the food isn't all that great? We will MISS you guys sooooo much at the family reunion. It's been two plus years that I have seen you.
Not fair!!!

Kristin said...

All your friends are so cute! You look cute as always!

Cammi Olson Bates said...

You are looking so so cute linds! I really need to talk to you! Email me so I have your email! asap.
or call or text me
hurry. :)