Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! We just want to let our mom's, our Grandma's, Ashley, and Lindsey (Dan's sister) know how much we love them. You all have given up so much in your lives to be mother's and you are such great examples.

My mom, sister and me. My mom is truly one of my best friends and I am so grateful she is my mom. She is a good example, fun, stylish, gorgeous, classy, and everything I hope I can be one day!

Dan with his mom. I really lucked out and got the best parents-in-law anyone could ask for. I mean that.

I also inheritated the best sister-in-law as well. Lindsey is soon going to be a mommy of two.


Linda said...

Thanks for the sweet words, Linz. Couldn't be a mother without you!
Love, Mom

The Jatens said...

Thanks!! YOU will be a wonderful mother some day. Can't wait for the kids to play with their super cute cousins!