Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy cat people

We just adopted another cat. We are turning into the crazy cat people. Two is the limit though. Our new little girl is a black ball of fur. Dan named her Gremlin and the name just kind of stuck. The other white, siamese cat is Neeko.


Rachael said...

Those cats are so pretty. I like cats too, but yeah... 2 is the limit. :) Happy 5 year anniversary!

Justin and Tiffany Walker said...

How fun! They're so cute. I just played catch up on your last ten blogs, and I'm sorry about your kitty! I'm happy to see you're doing well, though!

The Ellis Fam said...

you are the crazy cat ppl.;) i hate how gorgeos you look in all your pictures. i hate taking pictures of myself, i always end up looking googy. i have more pictures of mark on our blog because he's the cute one in the relationship. i don't care how wonderful dan is, he'll always be luchky to have you.

The Jatens said...

Sooooo cute. We should get Pip a friend. . .