Thursday, March 26, 2009


We are practicing blog honesty, thanks to my sweet cousin Tammy's example. I haven't been able to post about my little baby Jay until now because it's just been too hard. Dan and I had to make the very difficult decision to put our little guy to sleep two nights ago. Jay got very sick with a rare cat virus and there was no cure. We had to say good bye to our little friend. It was so unexpected, and I never realized how heartbreaking it would be to lose an animal that I loved so much. Since moving here, Dan has been so busy with school, and I was having a hard time.
He brought so much happiness and sunshine into our lives. Jay was my best friend and made everything so much easier. Dan studies late, so my little buddy would go to bed with me at night and follow me around all day. He would run to the door when I got home from work, and never leave my side. He was the best kitty, and I loved him so much. I am having a really hard time dealing with losing my little friend and hope that this emptiness will go away with time. I haven't even been able to sleep in my bed because it makes me think of him too much and I just cry all night and miss him so much. The littlest things make me miss my baby. Again, I know we will feel better one day, but we will never forget little Jay. I may have only had him for a short time but he did so much good for my heart and helping me get through the trials I have been going through right now.


Tiana said...

Oh my goodness Lindsey...I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know what to say and words probably won't even do anything to help ease what you are going thru...let me know if there is anything I can do to help. We can go out and have a girls night...or maybe you guys can come over for dinner one night?

michellecluff said...

:( I'm so sorry!!! That is just awful. I hope things start to look up quickly!

The Jatens said...

Your post made me cry. Wow, I keep crying for you and I didn't even meet Jay. I just feel your pain, like only a twin sister can. I feel so bad that you are going through this trial and I wish that I was there with you to help you. I miss you so much and I love you with all my heart!

Brian and Elizabeth Shelley said...

I am so sorry! I know how it feels to move to a new place. I hope things start looking up.

We miss you....

Rachael said...

That is really sad. I can completly understand... I love the little kitties I had as a girl and sometimes I cry when I start thinking about them because I loved them so much. I'm glad Jay could be such a good friend and kitty to you. Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon. So sorry for the loss of a friend!

Jamie said...

i'm so sorry to hear about that linds. that's just awful. hope things start to look up for you guys!

Rowley's said...

Losing a pet is hard! I'm so sorry that you lost a friend. When my family had to put my great dane, Hoss down a couple years ago I balled like a baby. I went over to my inlaws with puffy red eyes and they gave me looks like, "you're cry this hard over a dog?" But like you said, they are more than that, they are your friends. Anyway, again I'm sorry. hugs and kisses from me!

Clinton and Jessica said...

that's so sad! Sorry for your loss, I know how comforting pets can be. Hope you feel better soon...know that we all love you!!

Miss Gabe said...

This is no good you poor thing! Isn't it incredible how much you can love something that can't talk back?! It is like loosing a family member so let out all those tears. So glad that he was able to make you so happy for that window of time AND for how happy you made him! It will get better!!

TNT + 4 Lil' Firecrackers said...

So sorry will get easier. But thoughts make them stay alive. I still think of tender memories I have of my dog that I lost when we moved to Elk Ridge. Loved her so much....I also always think of my Great Dane Jade that I had to give away when I moved to Vegas. They are wonderful parts of our lives. Good luck. I would love to get together when you come out in July...let me know when and we can make sure our schedules work out! Talk to you later, Hang in there!

Chablis said...

I feel like crying! I'm so sorry.

The games I play at showers are always these two: how well do you know mommy? - I just make a list of true and false statements about the mommy (have her help you create some secret facts) and see how well everyone knows her. It's also a good spotlight time for the mommy. And the other game is the memory game. You can just google baby shower candybar memory and there are several sights out there with the lists. (example of a match: triplets = 3 musketeers)

Have fun planning the showers!

Mathie Fam said...

Hey--So in response to your post on my blog here is a little info about school online. It depends on what you want to go into. you have to find the right program for you. I am doing it through WGU. I was able to take so many credits because you are allowed to move at your own pace. I started out the semester with 13 credits. I finished them up within a couple months so I added once class at a time to my semester. I would say that it is only hard to do classes online if you a person that needs a teacher all the time to help you. I am not one of those people. I enjoy researching and learning on my own. If you know what you want to go into, then just do the research to to find the right school for you. WGU doesn't offer a lot of programs, but they are definitly the most affordable and accredited online school. Their address is if you would like to look into that. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, then you can email me at Good luck. And I am sorry for your loss. I think moving is so hard. When I was first married and we moved to AZ I had the hardest time. Make sure to rely on the church and LET others become your family. I found that me and my husband became very close because we did not have any one else to lean on. I hope you start to feel more "at home" soon! --sorry I didn't have your email so this is really long!

Linda said...

Wow, Linz, what a great show of support from lots of friends and family who love you and Dan. I hope the sweet memories of your time with Jay are taking center stage in your mind and heart so the pain is easing a bit. I love you!

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry about your little friend Jay! I know how it feels to lose a pet/friend especially when that pet is there for you when life is rough and hard and then to lose them is heartbreaking. It does get better with time though! Sorry for your loss.

georgeandmarie said...

Sorry:( Why does it that life seems so hard sometimes?

Emmett and Ashlee said...

So sorry you lost your buddy. Losing animals is so hard. That is so sad.

Toby and Tammy said...

I'm so sorry. I just got caught up on all the family blogs and this makes my heart break!
I'm glad you posted about it and look for something in the mail sometime next week.
Miss you!

Layla said...

Oh my Lindsey! I'm soo sorry about Jay! I would seriously be so depressed if my little Flora passed away. She means a lot to me. Aww this makes me so sad...