Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Fun

We had a holly jolly Christmas in Utah. Lots of pics below, I can't get my slide show to work.

My mom and her wonderful Christmas Eve dinner.

Mom and Grandma.

The Boren family
Autumn, Sue and me wrapping presents.

Enjoying our presents.

Lindsey and Autumn (Dan's sister's) playing the new keyboard.

Matthew and Grandma Sue playing together.

The boys.

Matthew with us.
The Walker family.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a fun and eventful Christmas! Have a happy New Year!

The Ellis Fam said...

i wish i could have seen you. give me a call sometime there's lots to talk about.

TNT + 4 Lil' Firecrackers said...

Lindz.....I have sent Summer an email about inviting you to her blog...hopefully it will happen soon! Glad you had a great CHRISTmas....I love this time too!! Too bad it's almost over...oh well we still have snow!!!

Debbie said...

Lindsay - so glad you went to Utah so we could see pictures of Linda and Grandma and Grandpa! Wish they had a blog! Merry Christmas! Looks like you had a great time - I'll bet it was so nice to get away from school and work for awhile.

Jamie said...

looks like you guys had tons of fun in utah. we did too, but it was way too cold for me!!!