Saturday, October 25, 2008

White Coat Ceremony

This weekend was Dan's white coat ceremony. He received his white coat that he will be using for the rest of medical school in his clinical rotations and hospital rounds. My parents came in town too, and it was so much fun to see them.

My parents.

Dan receiving his white coat, I got a little teary eyed. It has taken a lot of work for both of us to get him to this point. Congrats honey!

Dr. Dan in his white coat. I'd say he looks pretty dang hot in his new coat.

After, we all celebrated at The Mansion on Turtle Creek, a very beautiful and elegant restaurant.
My mom enjoying her dessert.

Now a word from our sponsers: Dan here. Normally I don't have much to say on this blog but Lindsey is conviced someone actually gives a hoot about what I am doing and what I have to say about it. So I figured I would contribute (You know, for the posterity). Medical school has been a little rough at times but I have really enjoyed all the interesting things that they are cramming down our throats. I haven't killed anyone yet, but I have made a mess of some already dead people. Human dissection is pretty solid though, we cut out the heart the other day, split a dudes head in half to pull out a bloody brain, and have given plenty of free liposuction. American's have a boot-load of fat on them, so start eating better people so you can help out a struggling future physician locate your axillary nerve someday. Not really looking forward to the reproductive lab dissection or the GI lab (which involves cleaning out those lovely intestines and finding out what our freinds had for their last meal. Yummy). The rest of my classes have been decent, but everyday I am freaking out that our kids are going to be born with 3 ears or half a brain or something (which I think already runs in the Walker side of the family). Still, it is a great honor to be here and I have gained a huge respect for what doctors go through to get where they are today. Texas is the bomb though. If there are three things Texans do right it's Steaks, Mexican, and BBQ. Please folk, don't mess with Texas. There is sound logic behind that statement. I did mess with Texas one time and ended up with a broken jaw, an empty wallet, and an unforgiving rash for 2 weeks. Anyone is welcome to visit though, we miss all our old friends a ton. Ok, guess I'm done blogging for the year. Later ya'll. Did I just say "ya'll?" PS. Thanks to the Boren's for making this shin-digg a slammin party. PSS. Best new music out there: Bon Iver. They don't fool around.


chris said...

lookin like a million bucks bro

The Durrant Family said...

That is a big day! Congratulations! That is cool that Lindsey's parents were able to make it out - we will have to come and visit sometime...

The Durrant Family said...

Congrats Big brother! I will be waiting for my check to arrive any day now. I mean with you making the big Dr. bucks you can spare a little to you adorable little sister and family!!

the Clan Walker said...

At least us Walkers that only have half a brain were able to spare enough to give you enough to do pretty well so far in Med. School. And we still had enough to give smaller portions to your brother and sisters and guess what? I can still tie my own shoes.

the Clan Walker said...

love you and are proud of you. Keep the faith and keep learning.we are your biggest fans.

The Jatens said...

Yah Dan! Emerson drew you a picture and wants me to send it to you in celebration. I have to admit that I got a little teary just seeing the picture of the white coat ceremony. (Dang these pregnancy hormones!) Miss you so much. Wish I could be there. Love you guys!

The Ellis Fam said...

That's great dan. congrats. i can't help but picture "ya'lls" new life like turk from scrubs and his wife. you joking around the hospital but doing an awesome job saving lives. i love that show. don't let it become like e.r. they're too serious, and don't be like grey's anatomy cause there is way too much drama. scrubs is a good role for you.

Kristy Stoner said...

You guys are so cute! Your house is decorated so cute! Also, congrats Dan! I can't believe he's a Dr. (or almost :) Hope you guys are doing well.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dan! Love ya Linds!

Rowley's said...

Congrats! I hope medical school is a great experience for you guys! Hey Linds, I wrote you an email asking for Jenny's email so I could ask her about Logan, did you get it? I'm hoping I didn't send it to some strange person! Thanks Lindsey for being so wonderful to me!

Janika said...

Dan, you are funny. Looks like you got that from the half-brain side of the family.

Susan said...

Wait, wait, wait! About those cruel comments about the Walker side of the think I resemble that remark.

Clinton and Jessica said...

congrats guys! That's pretty exciting and I hope the next few years go well! Enjoy the warm weather for all of us up here in the cold!

Toby and Tammy said...

Go Dan! Lookin' good.

Casey said...

Ren just had his White Coat ceremony a couple of months ago, so I know what you mean when you said you got a little teary eyed! It is such a neat stepping stone in the journey through med school! Congrats Dan!