Monday, September 8, 2008

We are back in business!

My very smart husband fixed the little site feed problem we were having. So you all can add us back to the side with your other family and friends because it now should work just fine!


the Clan Walker said...

welcome back, we've missed the new news. By the way how was your first day at work??

Coppell RS said...

You are on the Coppell blog list now feel free to contribute to it

Amy & Scott said...

Hey, I finally had a chance to catch up on blogging and saw your super nice comment thank you so much. If we are both ever in Utah at the same time I say we go to Ruth's Diner and live it up! I hope your first day of work went well and that you are liking it. Talk to ya soon.

Emmett and Ashlee said...

I have a Nikon D40. I love your striped wall by the way. I like my camera a lot. It isn't the best there is but it does everything I want it to do. It is a good one for kids because there is no delay. Check them out. You will love it. Good luck.

Rowley's said...

Wow, it does work to subscribe to your feeds now! You have one talented husband!...but you already knew that.

Susan said...

Now lindsey Dear. Your blogs are one of my favorite forms of entertainment. Lets get a crackin with something new!!!! No, really, we miss you two bunches. Its starting to hit us that we won't be seeing you much anymore and that hurts. Hope your work is going ok and that you like it. Love you.

The Ellis Fam said...

linds, no worries about the blog background. but thank you so much for trying. you are such a sweet heart. i'll talk to you about coming down soon.