This week I have been looking for an apartment at our future
stompin' grounds in Dallas, Texas. Dan had to work so he couldn't go but my mom was already in Texas and was able to come along with me. (I pretty much owe her my right arm), she helped me for a few days with the daunting task of finding an apartment in a city neither of us have ever been too. Luckily, we had the
GPS to help us not get too lost. Dan and I chose to live in Irving, a city right outside of Dallas because it seemed a little safer and more cost
efficient instead of living downtown. We worked so hard, and did not do one thing, or even talk about anything other than finding an apartment! We were on a mission to find the best place for Dan and I to call home. Luckily, our mission was accomplished. On the last day, we finally found the perfect place in a really nice part of the town. I am really excited about it and the area is just gorgeous! Although Texas was hot and humid, I didn't think it was that bad at all, in fact, I really enjoyed the weather. The only thing I think I will have a hard time getting used to is all the HUGE cockroaches, bugs and spiders. I am not really a big fan of those creepy-crawly things. Anyway, Mom, thank you so much for your help, I couldn't have done it without you!
This is the area we are moving to, it is so beautiful with lots of trees. I am glad we found a nice area because some parts of Irving aren't so pretty.

We got to celebrate our nephew, Matthew's first birthday! His mom, Lindsey, made him the
cutest bathtub cake. Matthew has done so much in his first year of life. Besides just being
irresitablly cute, he has learned to walk, has a playful personality, and keeps his mom and dad on their toes.

I just wanted to add this darling picture of Autumn after one of her ballroom
performances. Autumn is Dan's little sister and she amazes us. We are so proud of her. She has so many talents and is really growing up to be an accomplished and beautiful girl.
congrats on finding a place. Mom's are best at always helping out! the neighborhood looks beautiful. hope you enjoy it all!
hey ya'll I was just thinkin', why get a dog when you can just make one of those giant cockroaches a pet?Love you.
glad you liked the weather.....
that pic looks familiar to me, looks like home! :) glad you guys found a place...i'm sure you will really enjoy it there.
Can you believe you are moving?! It looks like you guys are going to love it down there....aside from the Huge bugs! Definitely not a fan of those, but everything else about it seems great. I am glad that you found a place.
congrats on finding a place!! hopefully you love it and make it into a beautiful home!!
Lindsey lets go to lunch and get pedicures!
hey sorry it took so long to get back. Were going out of town this weekend. Next week?... Call me
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