Monday, July 28, 2008

More goodbyes

I have been posting a lot lately but this blog is basically my journal and I have to document all the time we have with family now before we move. My sister and her darling kidos, who have grown so much since I last saw them, were in town. So here are more pictures!
Us with my Aunt Wendy.
My Grandma's.
My dad tickling Capri. They are best buds. She calls him "Ampa."
Emerson asked me to take his picture and this is the face he gave me.


Debbie said...

I love your photos of the family. I will miss seeing them thru your blog. Teach your mom to blog!!!! You keep me connected! I will miss you too.

Brandon, McKell & Ryker said...

Hey I am in town for a few more days and would love to see you. Call me at (801) 694-3660

Pour Some Maple on Me said...

Good luck with the move. I need Dan's phone number. Or have him call me (208) 989-1237.

Tara said...

I am sad I didn't get to see you before you moved. If you still have anytime, I would love to get together for a quick lunch or something. I ran into your hubby the other day, when he was leaving the Kleinmans. Anyway, let me know!