Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This time it's for real

Ok, so I'm sure you all have been checking your computers daily, sitting on the edge of your seats, waiting with anticipation to find out where the Walkers are moving. Well today is your lucky day, we have FINALLY made our decision and this time there is no turning back. We have turned down all the other schools and officially accepted UT Southwestern in Dallas, Texas! We leave the last weekend in July. We are so excited and ready for the new adventures of medical school!


Debbie said...

Wonderful! Texas is will love it. Mike travels to Dallas a lot and really likes it. The busier the better for medical training! I think it will be a great experience. I also think you will be even cuter with a Texas drawl! Don't mess with Texas...

The Jatens said...

Yaaa! I miss you, but Texas is pretty close to Arizona, right? Love you!

michellecluff said...

YAY! I'll bet that's a relief to finally know where you're going! I hope it's fun and he does well down there. Good luck!!

Toby and Tammy said...

Wow! We are so happy and excited for your new adventures come this fall. Glad you're going to Texas--it is closer to the fam. :)
We hope all goes well for you. Dan-good luck in school! You'll do great.

Brandon, McKell & Ryker said...

Congrats! Texas will be great. One of my best friends is moving out there this summer! She loves it.

Hannah said...

Exciting! You will love Texas!

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Congrats! I've heard about a billion great things about Texas and their I am SURE you are guys are going to have an awesome experience. I am glad that you have a blog so we will be able to keep track of you guys and all your fun adventures in Texas. It feels so good to finally know where you are going and to start making plans. Keep us updated!

The Jatens said...

I'm so excited that you are coming to see me!!!!

Britt said...

Hey girl!!! Sorry it took so long to respond to you, I am horrible about blogging, I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you. Im so glad you were blog stalking me! haha, you look great and look like you are incredibly happy, so I'm glad! We should keep in touch--Good luck with your move to Texas!

Kristy Stoner said...

Congrats guys! I'm excited for you. Good luck with everything.