Monday, April 7, 2008

HUGE dilemma

We thought we had this all figured out. But now we are all confused again. Dan just got accepted to Dartmouth in Hanover, New Hampshire and we don't know what to do! We hadn't heard back from them and he interviewed there in January, so we thought we weren't getting in. (Silly us, who could turn down my man:) wait, the U of U that's who, grrr don't get me started. Now we don't know what the best choice is. What a crazy, unpredictable time in our lives.

City life vs. Country life

UT Southwestern Dallas, Texas:

Dartmouth Hanover, New Hampshire:

Here's a list of reasons we should go to each school...

Team UT Southwestern, Dallas Texas:
* FAR less expensive.
* Warmer weather all year round.
* Bigger, much more metropolitan area with lots to do. Hanover is a very, very small city with not much around (which is a huge issue for me, hello shopping malls!)
* We can afford to buy a house, or condo.
* Consistantly ranked the number one city in country for young couples to move to.
* Five hours from the beach.

Team Dartmouth, Hanover New Hampshire:
* The city is so incredibly beautiful.
* It's an Ivy league school (not what you know but who you know type thing) and has good connections with other Ivy league schools.
* 2 hours away from Boston.
* A much smaller class size 90 students compared to 250 students at UT Southwestern.

Both are really good schools, ranked about the same and in the top 20.
What do you guys think?


Kristin said...

Go to Texas!!!

the Clan Walker said...

Make up your minds and than go ask the Lord. This is a big decision and he will help you. I trust you both to do the right thing. That Mall thang is a tough one though Lindsey!

Jamie said...

well you know what i would say...

michellecluff said...

if you're anything like me, I would vote for Texas...warm weather and big city with much to do. With him being super busy with school and studying, you're going to need something to do to pass the time. So unless you have a baby to occupy that time... I think either way would be a great choice though.

The Jatens said...

Texas is way closer to Arizona, but it's way pretty at Dartmoth. The beach is great, but country life is sweet. I looked into flight costs between Arizona and New Hampshire and Arizona and Texas and they are about the same! :-) That's all that matters, right?

georgeandmarie said...

Maybe you got into Dartmoth for a reason...the best advice come from dan's mom i think...Pray about it.

Toby and Tammy said...

Good luck! Both schools seem like they are good. Tough decisions....
Either school will be such an awesome experience.

TNT + 4 Lil' Firecrackers said...

I say go the farthest....chances are you will end up coming back home someday...I always wanted to live in the East....but never had a chance. It will be an awesome experience....of course, I am with the walkerclan.....take it to the Lord first! He'll let you know! Love you guys! When is the big move?q

Hannah said...

Texas is not is HOT. I love it there though, the people are great! I lived in FlowerMound for 12 years.

Either would be great, so I would go for the least expensive.

Jamie said...

nope...i don't know hannah...did she go to high school there?

Devri said...

I would definately go to Dartmouth, you won't have money to shop anyways. plus the school is better which will help you get a better residency and better job. Unless you want to do family practice then go wherever you would rather live. But this is coming from a "lower class DO student" and what do they know?

Jamie said...

so...what's the verdict? are you guys still deciding?

aaron said...

i live in texas... and even now i'm not sure why. these are the hardest decisions b/cause you'll never know what life would have been like otherwise. melis and i really wanted to live in boston and when we got in, we thought that's where we'd be. we figured we'd move to san antonio and save 150k, then spend that money on vacations. that hasn't happened!

also, we didn't take into account how much more jobs pay in boston vs. san antonio.

we love it in texas and all of my classmates are cool people that have a good time playing softball and bbqing together. plus, the school itself has great professors and all sorts of good academic stuff.

like one of the other commenters said... you'll never know when you'll have that chance to live so far from home again.

good luck!

chris said...

here's what you do: dan doesn't go to any of them, he paints his depictions of rock stars and opens an art museum in the gateway where he sells them while wearing black turtle necks and leather pants, he records his debut album self-entitled, "bookworm," and tours with Iron & Wine in the summers and starts a ring business on the side.

Kristy Stoner said...

That is a TOUGH one! I LOVE the city and you'd be able to meet so many more people, but the country is so nice some times and I love the east coast, so... you decide. :) Good thing I'm not making this decision. I didn't help at all. :)

Toby and Tammy said...

What did you guys decide to do?

Rhiannon said...

FREAK DAN!!! what are you trying to do?? make us all look bad?? ha ha. i would go to either in a heartbeat. but i love new hampshire, it's not so hot.

Jules w/ LovelyandCo said...

The east has hummidity though. That's on my list of cons. Living there and now living in the west is a huge difference. But Texas is my vote...unless you like the cold. New Hampshire is about like for like a month...then cold the rest of the year! And not just cold, but COLD. Still, whatever you decide will be good for you both. I sure love you and miss you both!