Monday, March 17, 2008

The Prophet Joseph

This picture was passed around in Sunday School yesterday and the guy who had it said he had just recived it from a friend. It is supposed to be a very recent discovery in the RLDS archives, and supposedly the first photograph found of the Prophet Joseph Smith! I certainly thought it was exciting, and personally think that it's authentic. Hopefully in the future we will get some type of confirmation on this. What do you guys think?


The Durrant Family said...

If it is really Joseph Smith, Wow! But how can we really know until the church comes out with a confirmation? How did the guy in your Sunday school get a hold of a picture that is believed to be non exsistent? Wow. thats pretty neat though

chris said...

if it is him, it's certainly not the way we've seen him (not that it even matters what he looks like). pretty fascinating stuff though.

Susan said... has an article about this on the internet today. They can't confirm it but nor can they dispute it. Dad thought he would look bigger. I have seen pictures of his sons though and the eyes are very similar.

Hannah said...

I actually heard about this from Ariel Johnson. Someone in his Stake Presidency was working on identifying it with a team at BYU and says that it is really Joseph Smith. I am assuming this must be the picture that they are working on. Thanks for posting it! I have been dying to see it.

Kristy Stoner said...

Wow, that's pretty cool! I wonder! Let us know if you find out. Also, good luck in Texas! I'd love to go there! I think it's cool that you guys will have a chance to live outside of Utah. I'd move in a second. Of course I'd have to know I'd be back in a specific time frame though. :)

Brian and Elizabeth Shelley said...

that is so cool! I am glad you posted it!

The Adams Family said...

Hmmmm, this is interesting. It's not exactly as I pictured him, but looks real. Thanks for sharing. I like the hair cut, you look beautiful anyway.