Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!
One of my favorite things to do on my days off is go house decorating shopping, so yesterday I headed off to one of my favorite stores in Orem called the Busy Bitty. I left the store at about 4:15 and hit the worst of the rush hour traffic. After not moving for a while, I called Dan and asked him to watch the news for me to see what was going on. He let me know a huge semi had slid off the road blocking 3 lanes of traffic. And a bad storm was hitting as well, to slow traffic down even more. By 7:30 I had just barely past Thanksgiving Point. We were pretty much at a stand still for a couple hours. It took me almost 4 hours to get home! Boredom started to set in, when I looked over and saw the book Twilight that I have had for several months but had not yet started reading. I am a little behind on the hip things to do, like watch American Idol (this is the first season I have watched and it is now in the 7th season) blogging, and reading this very popular book Twilight. I started to read it, a little bit sckeptical thinking this is a teeny bopper romance, but I was wrong! I was captivated by the second chapter when the book introduced Edward, and as soon as traffic sped up (I am talking going 5 mph every 3 min compared to a complete stop) I was still trying to read the book. I know, I know, before you all start getting worried, I was really safe and kept my eyes on the road everytime traffic moved! Anyways, love it, I woke up this morning thinking yes! another day off to read! What do you all think of this unusual vampire romance?


Jamie said...

I just started that book this week! Only read the first chapter due to being inturupted by a baby constantly, but I am excited to continue. I have heard so many good things about it!

Brian and Elizabeth Shelley said...

love this book. I seriously could not put it down.
I heard that traffic was horrible!
I have the other two books when you finish the first one.....

Toby and Tammy said...

You make me laugh. I haven't read them, but I have heard nothing but good things about the books. They are making a movie too.
Happy Hearts Day!

michellecluff said...

love love love them. I read all 3 while brody was in the hospital. you'll love them

Mathie Fam said...

Hey Lindsey! It's so great to hear from you. I think the last time I saw you I was just engaged. How fun we can keep in touch! Medical School! Sounds like fun! Keep in touch!

Tara said...

Hey Linds
I am so glad that you found me. You guys look like you are doing great. We need to get in touch, go out to lunch or something. Thanks so much for leaving a comment for me. Hope to see you soon!

Kristy Stoner said...

Linds! It's so good to hear from you! You look great! Dan's going to med school hu? You are a great wife is all I have to say!
So,all 3 of the books I pretty much read in a total of 10 or 11 days. Whenever I was reading one I was pretty much a worthless mom. Good thing my son can entertain himself. Just wait tell you have dreams about the books. Kind of crazy!

Kristy Stoner said...

k another comment real quick... Is everyone voting for Rochester just cause it's in NY. I LOVE NY, but Rochester is pretty old and there is NOTHING to do there, unless you visit Palmyra or Niagara Falls. I know! My husbands grandparents are from there and we were there for a week.

Lindsey Walker said...

I think everyone is voting for Rodchester cause it's in New York and it is beautiful. The funny thing is, the place we are most likely going, is Southwestern in Dallas Texas and not one person has voted for it! It's the best school Dan got in and it is cheap, only $12,00 a semester, amazing for med school!

Joshua - Melissa - Mason - Averie said...

Oh my gosh Linds it's me Melissa(oh seeing Dan's picture takes me back to when he used to steal Sobe's out of my parents fridge and come over to play Beatles on the guitar with my dad) I hope you guys are doing awesome and tell Dan Hi!

Devri said...

Lindsey, I love the twilight books. The fourth one comes out August 2nd and the movie is supposed to be out soon, so you better finish all the books before. I would vote for the cheap school in Texas, it is a really good school and I can't believe that tuition! How can we live on what it costs?!

chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
the Clan Walker said...

Its fun to go to her (the author) website and see who she would pick for the movie twilight as opposed to the movies' pick. They chose Cedric from Harry Potter. Ew! Also she has written an excerpt of twilight written from Edwards perspective on her website. I loved it! Her new book comes out in August. I am sure she will finally become a deer blood sucking vampiress.